Therapy Blog
Spiritual Trauma and Abuse: Why We Should Be Talking About It
So many find themselves on a confusing and distressing path of redefining their identity and beliefs after experiencing trauma within the realm of their religious system. It’s not always the spiritual component that is necessarily harmful, but the loud voices spreading judgment, shame, hate, and fear. We can separate the self from the system, but I’m not saying it’s easy. It’s actually pretty terrifying, and I’m saying that from experience.
What is Somatic Trauma Therapy?
However trauma manifests, the key to whole person health is never “just in your head.” That is because trauma is not a psychological condition; it is a system-wide physiological reality. If the body is not included in therapy, treatment is incomplete.
Read more about what to expect in somatic trauma therapy and why it is so important to whole-person healing.
Debunking Three MORE Common Myths About Sex
Here we go again friends! Busting these myths is something I take great satisfaction in and having the opportunity to share them is even better. In my previous blog about common myths, we discussed the female orgasm, sex for exercise, and spontaneous versus planned sex. Now it’s time for even more fun talking about self-pleasure, “successful” sex, and arousal. Let’s get started!
Five Ways to Grow Intimacy After Kids
I’m the first to tell people that relationships are complex before having children. After children, everything we think we know somehow gets tossed out the window, and here we are treading water, falling asleep cramped into the space of a toddler’s twin-size bed, and absolutely dreading the thought of even more physical touch. Of course, that could have been just me. However, I’m also confident that there are at least a few others out there who know what I’m talking about and can relate to the feeling. While I know I don’t have a perfect one-size-fits-all all answer, I’m hopeful that some of the suggestions below will help in healing, nurturing, and growing your relationships as an individual as well as a parent.
Three Common Myths About Sex and Why They Are Harmful
We’ve all encountered some myths about sex and intimacy at some point. This post explains three common myths about sex and why they can be so harmful to the development of a personally aligned sex life.
What You Should Know About Your Sex Toys
What you should know about the production and regulation of sex toys to promote sexual health, wellness, and positive experiences.
What To Expect When You Begin EMDR Therapy
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) and what to expect